Tuesday, September 27, 2016

What Is The Key To A Good Makeout Session?

Tell us your tip to being the best kisser.

What makes someone a good kisser?

What makes someone a good kisser?

Warner Bros. Pictures

Maybe it's being gentle with your tongue and starting off slowly, almost teasing the tongue of your kissing partner with yours.

Maybe it's being gentle with your tongue and starting off slowly, almost teasing the tongue of your kissing partner with yours.

Warner Bros. Pictures

Or maybe it's doing a little something extra to heighten the moment, like kissing the neck or the collarbone, or touching the face/grabbing their hair.

Or maybe it's doing a little something extra to heighten the moment, like kissing the neck or the collarbone, or touching the face/grabbing their hair.

Fox Searchlight Pictures

Whatever it may be, we want to know. So tell us: What is the KEY to a good makeout session?

Whatever it may be, we want to know. So tell us: What is the KEY to a good makeout session?

Wild Bunch

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